About Us
Welcome to Brentwood Springs, where small town living meets big time charm. Brentwood Springs consists of 45 acres and 95 homes. Round Hill, in Loudoun County, is home to quaint but vibrant main streets, community events, local breweries and wineries, country clubs, golf courses and gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountain views!
Brentwood Springs has direct access to:
- Route 7 from the community entrance
- 2 miles from Downtown Purcellville, VA
- 15 minutes to Leesburg, VA
- 3.4 miles to New Purcellville Park & Ride Lot
- 1.8 miles to Franklin Park
Board of Directors
Dantae Hogan - President
Brian Taylor - Vice President
Anne Friedman - Secretary
T C Jones - Treasurer
Jane Fragola - Member at Large
Architectural Review Board brentwoodfspringsarb@gmail.com
Jennifer Taylor, Chair
Jon Herman
Matthew Reyes
Amy Sorenson
Jason Treon
Engagement Committee
Leigh Craig, Chair
Ali Mowat
Emily Nelson
Ashley Samoranski
Jane Smith